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Monday, October 18, 2010

Houston, we have a problem!

That's right, we lost an engine, and all the other cars that made up the train. At 10:30 at night at some Bulgarian train station we found ourselves all alone waiting for an engine...for over 2.5 hours! I got tired of waiting and tried to push, but no luck! Finally, 16 hours after boarding the train we get to Istanbul, only to find a marathon taking place, which means no transit or taxis running. 19 hours after starting the journey, we got to the hotel. Although we are exhausted, we can already feel the pull and excitement of the city. Next time though, flight please. More to follow!

1 comment:

  1. What Jarret forgot to mention is that we awoke on the train wondering why it wasnt moving and looked out the window to see that all the cars of the train but ours was missing! It was hilarious and very random. I wonder why they just left us! Also I was so out of it that when Jarret was outside being silly and taking pictures, I thought the train would start to move and leave without him (without an engine). The least I can say is that I needed sleep!


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