Jarret recently had an episode of food poisoning, the worst I have ever seen him expe

rience. I am happy to say that he seems to be on the mend once again (without drugs), just in time for the beaches in Cambodia. Both Jarret and I are otherwise very healthy people who do not get sick that often at home, but during the 6 months on the road we have collectively had 6 common colds, 2 sinus infections, 1 bronchitis, 1 stomach flu, and 3 food poisoning incidences.
As apples are sometimes hard to find overseas in hotter climates, we have surrendered to taking a daily multi-vitamin to keep the doctor away. Next time, we will start taking the vitamins at the beginning and not the end of our trip. We would recommend the same to you on your travel adventures!
Jarret never getting sick... I don't believe it......I swear he says he is sick at least every two weeks! JK!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for you guys to get back.